WOSB Certificate

Woman-Owned Small Business Certificate

REI WBC assists women owned businesses in navigating the Woman-Owned Small Business (WOSB) self-certification process. When all the requirements are met along with other information gathered by REI WBC, a certificate is issued. There is a fee of $200 for the certificate, and $100 annual renewal fee.

Benefits of Having a Certificate:
• Validates ownership and documents WOSB eligibility
• Opens opportunities to win business
• Large agencies and organizations are encouraged to help you
• Paper certificate provided for display
• Listed on REI Women’s Business Center website

Eligibility Requirements for Woman-Owned Small Business (WOSB):
• Meet small business size standard for primary NAICS code and contract
• At least 51% unconditionally and directly owned by women who are U.S. citizens
• The woman must manage the day-to-day operations
• Make the long-term decisions for the business
• Hold the highest officer position in the company
• Work at the business full-time during normal working hours

Contact us at 800.658.2823 or wbc@reiok.org for more information.

The Woman-Owned Small Business logo is available to use for businesses that earn the certificate. Through certification, we validate that a business is at least 51 percent owned, operated, controlled and managed by a woman or women. The benefits of certification extend beyond using the Woman-Owned Logo; certification also connects you to opportunities and resources.

View the Women Owned Business Directory