REI Women’s Business Center Capacity Initiative

Thanks to a generous grant from the Women’s Foundation of Oklahoma, REI Oklahoma will launch the REI Women’s Business Center Capacity Initiative to help propel the launch or growth of small businesses that are majority-owned by single mother or single woman households in Oklahoma.

This scholarship and microgrant initiative will award smaller, targeted amounts with no expectation of financial repayment allowing recipients to attend trainings to elevate their business or purchase a tangible item to help take their business to the next level.

 Who qualifies and what are the requirements to apply?

  • This is a statewide opportunity for single mother or single woman households in Oklahoma who hold 51% or more ownership of their business.
  • Applicants may apply for up to $500 to be used for training scholarships, equipment, signage, marketing or collateral items that will take your business to the next level – please only apply for exactly how much you need.
  • Prior to applying, those interested must attend one of three scheduled virtual online information sessions, then complete an information form. To register for one of the information sessions, click on the date and time below and sign up for the training.
  • Those selected will be required to attend two special trainings created specifically for this cohort to elevate your business and help build connection with other women business owners like you.
  • Quarterly sessions for 18 months will be required to monitor progress and provide support when needed.
  • Scholarships or microgrants are expected to be awarded by April 1, 2023

Online applications for the 2023 REI Women’s Business Center Capacity Initiative is scheduled to open on January 18, 2023.

Applications will close on March 15, 2023, or when all grant funds are expended.

 Please note there are no exceptions for late or incomplete applications.

 If you have any questions not addressed above, please email us at and put “REI WBC Capacity Initiative” in the email subject line.

Thank you!